So as my dusting life takes a break after the SP, I have been spending more time in Eve. Between my last post and now I have been challenged to a lot of duels. People love to duel each other here I think.
Meanwhile my skills have been improving and my skillset expanding. I have been pretty much keeping everything at level 3 and yesterday I made the bold step to upgrade my gunnery and mining to level 4. Roaming around high sec is boring! All you can do in mine and destroy and salvage NPCs. I have been reading some articles about mining and decided to mine some kernite. So I left the comforts of high sec and go down 0.5
Ran into a couple of Sashas Salvagers. Oh! BTW! My miner is fitted with afterburners. So that thing flies really fast. A technique I have learnt is using your after burners and orbiting your mining target prevents the npcs from hiting you. They can be really up close and they cant even touch you for the most part. And even if they do hit you your shield recharges pretty fast.
I needed some Zydrine to manufacture some of my lasers. The places they were available able are 0.0 to 0.4. So I decided to balls it up and go down to 0.4. As soon as I land there I get shot at by a Sasha Juggernaut. My tactics of speed warping around the asteroid does not work any more. So I wapr back to home base at lightening speed. 10 jumps

So I decide that I must have my Jasper. I fit my Coercer with a Salvager and some pretty cool fire power and head out to the 0.4 asteroid belt. I start clearing out the belts one by one. Those ravagers and juggernauts have no chance against my Coercer. They all die and I salvage whatever I can from them. After salvaging around 15 million ISK worth of I am cruising around 0.4 when suddenly I see this icon with a black skull flashing next to me. The next thing I see is this dude right next to me with some red and blue sparky things coming out of his space ship. I ignore him and then suddenly almost 900 of my shields go down. WTF? I lock onto him turn on my afterburners and start firing my entire salvo into him. No damage and I get a message saying my capacitor is empty. WTF? I had almost 600+ capacitor charge in there what happened. I start using on one of my lasers. It starts to damage the ship. I look at the dude. His status is -9.9 and as a 7 million bounty on him. My shields are recharging and I cant warp out. Suddenly my armor starts taking damage too. I decide its high time I high tailed out of there. This is not a battle Im going to win without knowing whats hitting me. I start creating distance between him. I think I got him scared a bit because I did take out half of his shields. I finally create some more distance and I can warp now. I high tail out of there with my 15 million ISK cargo and run for my life.
Finally back at home base, my ship is ready to fight another day.
Risk vs Reward: Not a bad haul consider I make almost 5 million ISK a day mining. The more risk you take the better the reward.
A few questions to my fellow eve capsulers out there;-
1. What is a -9.9 status?
2. What was that thing of a jigger that was like blue and red lighting and got my capacitor drained?
3. Any ideas as to why I wasn't able to warp out?
4. Whats the black skull icon?